Source code for prl.utils.utils

from functools import wraps
from time import perf_counter

from prl.utils.loggers import time_logger

[docs]def timeit(func, profiled_function_name=None): """ Decorator for profiling execution time for the functions and methods. To measure time of a method or function you have to put @timeit in line nefore function, or wrap a function in the code: @timeit def func(a, b, c="1"): pass or in the code: result = timeit(func, profiled_function_name="Profiled function func")(5,5) To print results of measurment you have to print time_logger object from this package at the end of the program execution. When the name of the function can be ambiguous in the profiler data use profiled_function_name parameter. Args: func: function, which execution time we wan to measure profiled_function_name: user defined name for the wrapped function. Returns: wrapped function """ @wraps(func) def timed(*args, **kwargs): nonlocal profiled_function_name start_time = perf_counter() result = func(*args, **kwargs) time_elapsed = perf_counter() - start_time if profiled_function_name is None: profiled_function_name = func.__qualname__ time_logger.add(profiled_function_name, time_elapsed) return result return timed